Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Confession And Brief Introduction...

I have a confession to make. I am a nerd...

Phew! Glad that is out of the way. So, why a blog? Really, it boils down to one question... "Why Not?!"

I've yet to focus my goals for what I may want to come from this project... All I know is that law school opened my eyes to various areas of that law that I would really like to pursue independently. Beyond school, I have found that my legal education has equipped me with many tools to synthesize what is going on in the country today (politically, socially, etc...) Mix that with the fact that I've always been expressive and opinionated and a blog just seemed like a natural place to start.

Although I am sure my blog project will change shape many times as I focus on end goals (whatever they may be), for now, the plan is to write posts that react to things that I see in the news or in everyday life... Anything is up for grabs.

Behind the scenes, I am researching for some scholarly writing and may use some of that to draft some opinion editorials as well. Areas I am exploring are:

(1) The Nobility Clause and Lobbyists: Why The Framer's Would Condemn Our Current Practices Regarding Campaign Finance and Lobbying

(2) Direct Democracy: The Case For Federal Initiatives and Referenda

(3) Representative or Aristocrat? The Dangers Of A Representative System When Only The Elite Have A Voice

(4) A Look Back At Japanese Internment In WW2: Did We Learn Our Lesson?

(5) What's In A Name: Solving The Gay Marriage Dilema

I look forward to watching this blog evolve and hope you will comment and be a part of it!

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